Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I understand the Spirit of the Snowfolk made a disparaging remark about some of us being 'pretentious'. Here is my picture. You realize, of course, that it is not my 'good' side!

Monday, January 14, 2008

"Before I Melt"

I am the spirit of the snowfolk at the Whitefish Branch Library. There are about 180 of us living here at the present time. We make our appearance around the first snows of winter, or when the person that owns us has time to unpack us - whichever comes first. This year we were set free around the middle of November, and as long as there is snow on the ground we are allowed to be on display in all our finery. (As you can see by the photographs, some of us are a little more pretentious than others.) We plan on taking you on several adventures before we are once again stored away. Watch this spot for snow tales both real and imagined!